Ep. 47 – Monica Morong (Mommy Rapper)
Let’s talk about knowing better, rap music, finding your purpose, and redefining success with Monica Morong. Monica is a city girl on a mission to create family-friendly rap music rated E for everyone as Mommy Rapper.
(Recorded August 16, 2020) Back in August, I had a really great conversation with rap artist Monica Morong (Mommy Rapper). Monica and I chat about when life echos our doubts, finding purpose, her mission to create family-friendly rap, redefining success and focusing more on the journey than the destination.
Mommy Rapper, Monica Morong, is the mother of four girls. She’s creating family-friendly rap that’s rated E for Everyone with a catchy sound and positive vibes. She aims to bring her inspirational message to people everywhere and be positive female rap role model and clean rap activist — all with a goal to protect children from explicit rap messages.
Connect with Monica @mommyrapper on Instagram and on her site.
Book(s) we talk about in this episode:
- Discover Your Destiny(Robin Sharma)
- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari (Robin Sharma)
Do good, feel good: Help me celebrate my birthday by donating to my Virtual Food Drive for the Greater Vancouver Food Bank.
October Book Club Selection: The October book selection for the Cup of Something Lovely Book Club is Five Little Indians by Cree author Michelle Good. You can buy it here or download the e- or audiobook from your local library. RSVP for our online book club brunch here.
Masks! My favourite Vancouver companies making reusable (non-medical) masks for adults and kids are listed here.
Let’s connect! Please take a moment to rate, review and share the episode with a friend. You can also join the conversation on Instagram and Facebook. Thanks for listening and see you next week for another round of girl talk!

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