Ep. 56 – Meredith Garritsen
The podcast is back and Meredith Garritsen from the Hervana Coworking Collective is back to help me start back up in style!
And… welcome back to City Girl Talks! It’s been approximately 525,600 minutes and I’ve missed you! After a little hiatus, the podcast is back. To start us back up in style, I caught up with a past guest, the lovely Meredith Garritsen.
This episode’s girl talk:
- Navigating life changes
- Starting from scratch
- Finding joy in the new
- New York moments
- When you realize you need to make a change
- A Hero of Our Time (Naben Ruthnum)
Meredith is a savvy business consultant and the founder of the Hervana Coworking Collective in Vancouver. In this episode, Meredith shares how she’s navigated recent life changes, how she finds joy in the new and a special New York moment. (If you’ve had an NYC moment, you know these are always standout events in your life.) Listen to other episodes featuring Meredith here and here.
What Meredith is reading:
The poet Meredith mentions in her NYC moment: @flora.and.phrase
Connect with Meredith and the Hervana community @hervanacollective on Instagram or on the website.