• Canada,  Stuff + Things

    23.5 Things I Love About Living in Victoria

    After almost seven months in Victoria, the Brit and I have quickly adjusted to ‘Island life’. Our scenic new town has a much slower pace and it has been a welcome change. Like any new place, there’s been some quirks to get used to; namely, no rapid transit or tap cards (which I knew I’d miss), and NO IKEA (we struggled with this one #firstworldproblem). But we love it and our cozy city life. Numbered, but in…

  • Canada,  Travel,  Wellness

    Vancouver Island Road Trip – Pause and Explore

    When on a road trip, it’s all well and good to enjoy the scenery from inside the car – especially when it’s raining! – but, (aside from when nature calls) I feel that breaks are important, a) to get you out of the car to stretch your legs (Your hip flexors will thank you!), b) to actually enjoy a meal, and c) to pause and explore your surroundings. While you’re working on a) and c), you’ll also…

  • Canada,  Travel,  Wellness

    Yukon Days – Part One

    A couple days ago, this city girl got on a plane to the Great ‘White’ North. I say ‘White’ because, well it’s summer, and right now, it’s mostly the Great ‘Green’ North. Still spectacularly beautiful though. It’s so… Open.  Or, as the Travel Yukon tagline says: Larger Than Life. My flight was me and a very large Swiss tour group that comprised of very active senior citizens. Despite this, the plane was not full and I had not…