The Wellness Products I Can’t Live Without When I Travel
Wellness is particularly important to me when I travel, and I’ve previously shared some tips for staying healthy and happy while travelling, here on the blog. I take most of my home wellness routine with me when I travel, because I can, and I because it’s important to me. And while it’s nice to shake things up sometimes, my overall wellness isn’t worth shaking up; so my travel wellness essentials come with me.
In honour of Global Wellness Day (day of this post!), and because I’ve discovered some great new products for my travel wellness arsenal, I’ve pulled together a list of some my favourites. Almost all are made in Canada, by mostly BC companies. They are all packable, and I’ve got a couple #GetThrifty promo codes for you!
Here’s what I pack to stay healthy and happy on the road!
*Updated November 15, 2019
Lip balm
There is nothing worse than having chapped lips. Particularly on the plane or before you go to sleep. Actually there is: lip balm that makes them worse. Cue Vancouver-based Ativo Skincare‘s peppermint Nourishing Lip Balm. I cannot tell you how much I love this stuff. Finally, a natural lip balm that isn’t waxy, doesn’t make my lips worse, and is 100% natural. At $4.00 CAD, it’s very #GetThrifty; and a little goes a long way.
Muscle and joint stick
Anyone else feel like their body’s been through the wringer after a few hours on a plane or in a car? Especially if you had the good fortune of being able to sleep in said mode of transport. A neck pillow only does so much right? Not only is stretching important, but I’ve also started carrying the travel size of Ativo Skincare’s menthol and arnica stick with me because it does wonders for a creaky neck, or any muscle and joint stiffness/pain. I have the regular size at home, and it is way better than A535.
Moisturizing face mask
I recently discovered sheet masks and I am in love. (I would link mine, but they are a hyaluronic acid option from a random brand in Taiwan that my bestie sent me.) My favourite thing is to put one on before bed after a day on a plane or being in the car—which can be so drying for my skin. Sephora has some great sheet masks, and I am a big fan of Origins Soak It up overnight mask. Ativo also recently came out with a overnight gel mask that has been getting rave reviews, so I’ll need to give it a go soon. (If you try it, let me know!)
Bath salts or soak
Do not underestimate the benefits of a hot bath. Tracy from Ativo Skincare swears by their Pink Coconut milk bath, and last year, I started carrying little bath salt packets from Victoria-based Two Blooms. (Their bath salt packets will be back in stock for winter!)
Tea tree oil
I have been using tea tree oil in various forms since I was a teenager. It’s a great natural remedy for ingrown hairs (hello, my fellow waxers), and pimple spot treatment. As it’s antibacterial, tea tree oil also makes an excellent addition to yoga mat spray or ingredient in a multipurpose cleaning spray. I travel with the mini bottle of Thursday Plantation tea-tree oil ($7.99 CAD) and a pack of their face wipes ($12.99 CAD). The wipes are amazing for a face refresh and to take off makeup; they also can pull double-duty as a surface wipe. (We’ve all experienced the seat tray or bathroom counter on the plane that doesn’t inspire anyone to put anything on it…)
Collagen powder
I don’t know enough about the science of things to go into why collagen is good for you and how it reduces as we age (thanks?), but I do know that Vancouver-based WithinUs’ collagen powder has made a difference for my skin, hair and nails. (Particularly my skin. I mean, if my skin can look this good when I’m down with a cold in Cardiff, this stuff must be doing something right.) I put a scoop of their OG collagen powder in my hot lemon water every morning; and when I’m away from home, I toss however many of their convenient little stick packets in a baggie so I can do same lemon water routine. (They are also a Vancouver-based company — woot!)
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]#GetThrifty – This is very much a treat purchase for me, so I tend to wait until WithinUs has a sale. Be sure to subscribe to their newsletter and follow them on Instagram, as they often have said sales. [/perfectpullquote]
In my opinion, a spot of tea fixes everything: stress, jet-lag, tiredness. And if nothing needs fixing, tea will be like the cherry on top. Some of the teas I use in my every day, that I also pack, are the Revive green tea blend (recalibrate from jet-lag) and Me Time herbal blend (decompress) from WOASH Wellness — a Vancouver-based company, making all-natural loose leaf tea blends.
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Use my promo code CITYGIRLTRAVELS10 for 10% off your first WOASH Wellness purchase![/perfectpullquote]
Shelf stable probiotics
Probiotics have made a big difference in my overall health, and they are very handy for keeping my digestion on track. While my home capsules need to be kept in the refrigerator, Vancouver-based Flora Health makes a shelf-stable probiotic ($30.00 CAD, but now on sale at Well.ca!) that I toss in my toiletry bag.
Travel yoga mat
Where I go, my yoga mat goes. No exceptions. And while I’ve definitely travelled with a bulkier yoga mat on several occasions, my (Canadian B MAT Traveller ($56 CAD) is one of the best things I’ve bought for myself. It folds up nicely in my suitcase and it irons itself out within half an hour of my taking it out after a flight or car ride. It has more than paid for itself in the last four years. B MAT’s Vancouver-based sister-company, Halfmoon Yoga, also has a Travel Mat ($38 CAD) that I’ve heard great things about.
For more tips and hacks for staying happy and healthy while travelling, click here! I’d also love to know your travel wellness essentials—share in the comments below!
“The greatest wealth is health.” ~ Virgil

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