The Wellness Products I Can’t Live Without When I Travel
Wellness is particularly important to me when I travel, and I’ve previously shared some tips for staying healthy and happy while travelling, here on the blog. I take most of my home wellness routine with me when I travel, because I can, and I because it’s important to me. And while it’s nice to shake things up sometimes, my overall wellness isn’t worth shaking up; so my travel wellness essentials come with me. In honour of Global…
10 Travel Stretches to Keep Your Body Happy
Travel can be hard on the body. Here are ten travel yoga stretches to help you feel happy and well while on the go. (Psst! These are also great stretches for people who work at a desk all day.) Travel can be hard on the body. You know what I mean. Stiff neck from falling sleeping with your head at a weird angle (even with a neck pillow!) Sore back and shoulders from sitting in the awkward…
Airport R&R
Flight delays. Or long layovers for connecting flights, usually involving flight delays. Not very glamorous and inevitable realities when travelling. There’s a lot of hustle and bustle and then you’re left a bit worse for wear in your gate area and having to kill however many hours. (Click here for some flight delay survival tips for when things get fraught and chaotic at the airport.) With energy levels incredibly low, I was recently walking to my gate area…
Travel Yoga: Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)
Travel is hard on your body. Considering what you are doing (seeing amazing things) I know this sounds a little boo-hoo-ish, but the struggle is real. No one’s body feels good after sitting on a plane, train, or in an automobile for a long period of time. You know what I mean. Stiff neck from sleeping at a weird angle. Sore back and shoulders from sitting in the awkward seats. Tight legs and hips from the same.…