Stuff + Things

Happy 150th Birthday, Canada!

O, Canada: You are beautiful. From the time the sun rises in the east and sets in the west; and all the hours in between. I was born here; I was raised here. And I love everything about you.

My favourite thing about you is how you exemplify what I feel the message of my new Roots hat represents: diversity, integrity, love, and kindness. (Example: Our leader is a gentleman who can take criticism like a mature adult.)


I was recently on a walking tour in Barcelona and everyone was sharing where they were from and how long their homeland has officially been a country. They were all astonished when I told them that you are 150 years young this July 1st.

Personally, I think your youth has the advantage in a world that can be a bit backwards and/or set in its ways. And while young, you honour our roots, focus on the present, and think of the big picture of the future with an open mind.

Happy 150th Birthday, Canada! Thank you for being a country I am so happy to be from. You’re full of colour, light, culture, amazing people, justice, good food and beverage, and honour. I am fiercely proud to be Canadian and call you my home. 🇨🇦

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We know in our bones that Canada was built by people from all corners of the world who worship every faith, who belong to every culture, who speak every language. We believe in our hearts that this country’s unique diversity is a blessing.

~ Justin Trudeau ~

Photos by The Brit – Check out his Flickr account here for his beautiful outdoor photography! I’m only partially biased.

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