girl reading
Stuff + Things

My 2019 Reading List

*All links have been checked by me and are cybersecure!

reading list
The Soul of Money (Lynn Twist) was one of my favourite reads in 2018 | Photo Credit: Jana Josue

Books I listened to in 2018

I discovered the joy of audio books in 2018 because I was needing something to get me through my days at work in Vancouver. Books I listened to and that you absolutely should as well(!):

Books I turned the pages of in 2018

A big physical book highlight for me was The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist. I heard her on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday podcast and immediately went and bought the book because it spoke to me in my quest to improve my relationship with money.

#GetThrifty: If you’re on a budget, or space is at a premium, sign up for an online account with your public library. You can reserve the physical books, ebooks,and audio books. For FREE!

girl reading
Photo Credit: Jana Josue

My 2019 reading list (so far)

I’m already in the middle of a few and have completed Nora Roberts’ (my absolute favourite author, ever) Of Blood and Bone.

My list has a token male author, but otherwise I’m all about the girl power this year. That being said, I might sneak Stephen Fry’s Mythos: The Greek Myths Retold off the Brit’s shelf as he doesn’t get through books as quickly. (I have the advantage of being a transit commuter.) Books need to entertain, teach, and/or make me feel.

What are you reading this year? Would love some recommendations as I still need to have to fill a few slots to hit my goal! Comment below or follow my reading challenge on Goodreads!

Photo Credit: Jana Josue

“Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them.” 

~ Lemony Snicket


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