Stuff + Things

My Goals and Motivational Words for 2019

While 2018 patiently waited for me to sign its report card, 2019 has been tapping its toes at me because I’ve been slow on my goal uptake for the year. I usually have my goals blog post up on January 1st or 2nd. But when 2019 showed up, we were still in the UK, and I really just wanted to continue enjoying myself. (And I did.)

And then I got sick on the last week of our holiday. Hello, 2019. No one wants to deep dive into how anything went last year and what the New Year has to offer when they are having coughing attacks and blitzing through 3 boxes of tissue in 5 days. That being said, I did have make a list of goals, it just took me a while to whittle them down. So like my 2018 review, better late than never, I’m sharing my goals for 2019.

Firstly, while I didn’t achieve ALL of my 2018 ‘I WILLS’, I’m grateful for and proud of the ones that got a checkmark. (Like paying off ALL of my debt!) Life happens and other things take priority. And I achieved other goals, so a big dance break to that!

Secondly, I won’t bore you with the branched out list — even the whittled down version is long — but I wanted to share my three overarching goals, plus a fun goal and the motivational words I am putting up on my bulletin board to help keep me on track.

My 3+1 goals

  1. Improve my relationship with money – While I didn’t think this would magically happen after I paid off my credit debt, I was surprised by a few realizations that came along in the year since making my last payment. I’ll share those soon, along with some resources I have found helpful.
  2. Deepen and be braver in my yoga practice – Longer meditation, get on a sub-list and/or have a weekly studio, get some more teacher training hours in now that I have a bit more financial freedom, and have less fear of harder poses. Like handstand. It terrifies me. But I want to get to the point where I don’t have to use the wall. I also want to be able to teach it properly.
  3. SLOW THE F*** DOWN – Hustling is exhausting. There’s the saying of “done is better than perfect”. Preach. I can paddle under the surface like the best of them, and I know how to get things done, but I want to do those things WELL and feel organized. So, while I’ll always be a multi-tasker, 2017 and 2018 have reminded me what I want to be putting my energy towards; which is being more hygge and productive. And that I want to be more present at work, at home, and in my relationship and friendships. We moved to Victoria last October and it’s increasingly apparent to me that Island time is better time.

  4. Read 20 books – I LOVE to to read. And I discovered the joy of audio books last year. But I mostly want to spend more time turning a page. My 2019 reading list needs a few slots filled so I can meet my Goodreads challenge, and I would love your suggestions!

And all will be fuelled by many a strong cup of Earl Grey tea.

Motivational words for my goals

This bit was inspired by the incredible Alisha Kumar from Seattle Business Babes. Her word for 2019 is purpose. But I couldn’t choose just one. I’m a Libra. So I chose ten. They all relate to each other, and if what comes at me doesn’t jive with any of my words, it’s not worth my energy. Health and purpose show up twice because I couldn’t change the word cloud settings, but I’ve decided they are there twice because the need to be.

And that’s the end of that novel. Thanks for reading!

What are your goals and words for 2019? Share them below so I can give you a digital high five!

“Were it not for my therapist, I never would have understood the connection between my childhood insecurities and my adult accomplishments.”

Rachel Hollis

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