Reblog: To the Woman Behind Me in Line at the Grocery Store
This post strikes a chord with me, and yes, made me cry. There are good people in the world. Have a read.
Happy 2014! – Snow Olympics, Goals
It’s 2014. How did that happen so fast?? I feel like 2013 went by in a blur but I know I enjoyed most of it – so I was at least present in the blur. It was fun, it was emotional, it was hard. But it was a great year and I am a better person for my experiences. We are in Alberta again this year to spend time with friends and family. New Year’s Eve is…
Photo Fun with Tia Vath
I’m home sick today with a cold – yuck – and Sean is working. It’s been a really hectic few weeks and I know my body is telling me to sit still. A chance to take care of myself, catch up on the PVR, and nap. Can’t remember the last time I napped, so today is a blessing in disguise. And a chance to organize photos from the summer. My friend Tia recently left the corporate world…
Five Questions
I was at a workshop/dinner event last night and we had a very engaging marketing VP speak on ‘Self-Leadership: Learning Through Personal Understanding’. I know. It sounds a bit preachy, but when I got the email from the admin professionals organization I am a member of, I was intrigued despite/because of the topic. I love to learn and it was a great presentation that made all of us think about how our beliefs and values shape us.…
Success My Way and Missing Jean
Friday was International Women’s Day and I spent the day at an offsite event (if you need an event space, the Jewel Ballroom is great) with work colleagues, both men and women, at a lovely venue called the Jewel Ballroom. My company holds annual IWD events globally and this year’s theme was “Success My Way”. Social media has increasingly become a component for events like this, particularly at our Vancouver events throughout the year – due to…
#hockeyisback and #warehousesale = Happy Me
Today has a been a really great day for two main reasons. The first being what many people are all happy about: NHL #hockeyisback (to use the trending hashtag the NHL put out in to the Twitterverse)!!! I’m so excited about this because I love hockey and while WHL and AHL hockey were obviously still around, the games we not all televised and I’m not going to lie, I’m partial to my West Coast Canucks and East…
Holiday Favourite Things & Hope for Tomorrow
Apparently the world is going to end at 3am tomorrow morning, and it occurred to me that I haven’t written anything in a while. To be perfectly honest, I’ve only just (mid-month) gotten the Christmas spirit, so I haven’t had much to write about. I’m a bit ashamed of myself, as this is my favourite time of year.
Autumn Essentials for a Transit/Walking Commuter
So I am house/cat sitting again. Don’t think I blogged when I was doing the same back in September when Sean was in New Brunswick. It was a hectic time full of living out of a suitcase, working the Madonna shows, and catching up after a week of playing “tourist” in my town with the Scots. That was when Matt and Dori went on a more than well deserved vacation to southern Italy. They are currently on…