• Stuff + Things

    2018 Review & Reflections

    It’s well past the midway point of January, but I’m posting my 2018 reflections and gratitude anyway. Better late than never, and I finally have the headspace to translate the chicken scratches from my notebook. Looking back on 2018, I achieved some of my goals, had to put others on hold, and for the most part, managed to field any challenges with will and grace. (P.S. The reboot is amazing, you need to watch it.) Most importantly,…

  • Stuff + Things

    Happy 2016!

    Do you remember when you were a kid and it felt like the boring things took forever and the fun things (like summer) went by so quickly? Then, we became adults and got “busy”; wondering how time flew by and wishing we could have had (or made) time to appreciate things. 2015 was both slow and quick for me, but I can truthfully say that I appreciated every day of it. When I said “bring it on” to 2015, I…

  • Stuff + Things,  Wellness

    Happy 2015! Attraversiamo, patience and goals for the New Year

    Attraversiamo: verb – cross, go across, walk across, traverse, go through, pass through, pass; span Yes, I recently (re)watched and (re)read  “Eat, Pray, Love”. But, it’s great word, and very appropriate for going in to a New Year. It’s also fun to say. Attraversiamo. 🙂 Every New Year’s Eve, I go through my goals. What happened this past year? What would I like to achieve in the next 365 days? Did I have fun? (For the most part, yes!) My…