
Finding my food groove

This weekend I was a hermit. Sean had to work all weekend, so it’s like I decided to be the opposite end of the spectrum.  I haven’t been feeling all that good these last few days – I’ve felt very flu-like (and no, Alison, I am not pregnant :p ) – and the weather didn’t really inspire leaving the house. I left the apartment twice – once, yesterday, to do laundry (the load and pick up count as one time) and today to go to ballet. I had a couple invites for Super Bowl but I just wanted to come home. Last week was so damn hectic.

Which is why I ordered pizza last night. Such a bad habit. To make up for it, I cranked out some fresh pasta on the KitchenAid and stuffed it with goat cheese. Grilled asparagus with rosemary lamb and pork apple meatballs and I was good to go. It was a bit of an early dinner and all I was missing was a glass of wine – need to add that to the shopping list. (The meatballs were meant to be sausages, but that’s another story entirely.) The picture doesn’t really do my meal justice (no picture of food ever does), but I am so proud that I MADE my dinner. I am slowly but surely finding my food groove, and it feels good. The two-week cleanse instilled some much needed food discipline (not always relying on Sean to cook, my speed dial, or the boring fallbacks) and I like it. I just need to stick with it.

With that in mind, I have a new food project for myself: cooking every recipe in the recipe book that was given to me at my bridal shower. (The great thing about getting married is that you get wonderfully spoiled. My girls and my aunt Leslie threw me a lovely shower and on top of all the gifts, all the wonderful women in my life contributed their favourite recipes.) Many months later, I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t tried a single one yet – I’ve just looked at them. So, I want to try and make one recipe every day – we just need to do a huge shop and I’m good to go. Sean is going to be ecstatic that this project doesn’t involve three days of nothing but veggies – I’m fairly relieved myself. 🙂

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