Rainy Productivity
Today was the day after a long weekend. If you work a Monday to Friday job, you know how brutal this kind of day is. That Monday that was so exciting to have off really means something and you don’t know it until your inbox is super full and the world just doesn’t seem right. And so I sit here decompressing, typing while watching the “Dancing with the Stars” finale.
As with many Victoria Day long weekends of the past, Sean had to work and cold, rainy weather was prominently featured – this time two of the three days, which I suppose is better than the full three days.
Saturday was beautiful and spent running errands and maybe a bit of shopping (I might have bought the most fantastic summer/beach hat from Banana Republic and was rewarded for my awesome purchase with a surprise 40% off coupon – a find out what discount you get sale that I didn’t know about until I was at the counter to pay. LOVE.), and then a belated Mother’s Day dinner and a movie with my mom. We went and saw “Dark Shadows” with Johnny Depp and it was a fantastic and weird movie. Tim Burton is brilliant.
Sunday and Monday it rained. A lot. And I am grateful for that because if it had been nice out, I would not have done an overhaul of our storage room or any of the productive Spring Cleaning and/or house things (like organizing the shoe rack) that needed to get done. If it had been nice out, I wouldn’t have had a simple yet wonderful breakfast in bed while reading my new Nora Roberts novel. Not only did I read one book over the course of the weekend, I read two. I can’t remember the last time I took the time to do that.

I cooked, (it was a yam soup and soda biscuits kind of weekend) baked, worked out, caught up on the last four episodes of “Grey’s Anatomy” (Holy epic plane crash episode, Shonda Rhimes! Why did you have to make Mark (and I) cry?), did about ten loads of laundry… everything the ROA theatre week didn’t allow me the time to do, I did. Reading, TV, chores – all of it. It was WONDERFUL. Even carrying groceries home in the rain was fun for me. I know I’m weird. (Sean’s project for his next weekend off is the guest bedroom/office. He probably doesn’t think this project is fun. For me, it is – I have nothing to do with that project other than choosing the furniture when the room is finally de-cluttered. I’m excited.)
Back to DWTS.