
Happy 2013! – Goals for the year

It’s officially 2013. Does anyone else feel like it came really quickly?? For me, 2012 went by in a wonderful blur, culminating in a great holiday season with family and friends. Sean and I are staying with our friends Ward & Kim just outside of Edmonton and are just had post-NYE brunch. Much needed after last night’s dinner and dessert, games, Snow Olympics (for another post), and my apparently super strong cocktails. 🙂

2013 is the year I feel l need to get serious about my goals and objectives. Why this year more so than any other year? Because October 5, 2013 is the day I turn 30. While this isn’t a number I’m agonizing over (I’m actually really excited about turning 30), it is a year that I want to accomplish some things that I have been dragging my feet on or just haven’t had or made the time to get done.

lululemon has a great goal initiative (#readysetgoals) and I was very inspired by it when I saw the email this morning. I haven’t plotted my resolutions in as much detail as they suggest and I have decided to stick to what I can do in one year.

Typing them out and sharing them makes me accountable and I am determined to accomplish my goals and FOCUS. Some are serious, some are bit fluffy.

In 2013 I will:

  • I will take my lunch to work every day and make better use of my recipe books.
  • I will run a mile without feeling like I am going to die.
  • I will be better at getting up with my first alarm.
  • I will take and pass my road test by July 2013.
  • I will reduce remaining monetary debt by at least half by October 2013
  • I will register and start my yoga teacher training by Spring 2013.
  • I will start the process of getting my teeth re-straightened by February 2013 – a superficial but important thing for me.
  • I will have patience with myself while taking the steps for the above.
  • I will fly somewhere fun for my 30th birthday – destination TBD

This looks like a lot but they all interconnect – they are all about taking care of myself and being a better person for Sean, those around me, and most importantly, myself. I feel like these are all realistic and attainable goals and objectives for myself; my bold items are the ones that are really key for me. I know none of them will be easy, but I am determined and have a fantastic support system.


What are your goals/resolutions/objectives for 2013?

Happy New Year!

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