Stuff + Things

Happy 2016!

Do you remember when you were a kid and it felt like the boring things took forever and the fun things (like summer) went by so quickly? Then, we became adults and got “busy”; wondering how time flew by and wishing we could have had (or made) time to appreciate things. 2015 was both slow and quick for me, but I can truthfully say that I appreciated every day of it.

When I said “bring it on” to 2015, I don’t know that I was fully prepared for some of what it threw at me. The good was overwhelmingly so, but the challenges were kind of new level in a when it rains it pours kind of way. But, recognizing that both the good and the challenging needed to happen, I can wring out the negatives and leave them in 2015. I bring the lessons learned forward in to 2016, along with all the amazing goodness of the past year.

My goals for 2016:

  • Patience – forever on the list.
  • Continue to be my best self.
  • Be more diligent with my RRSP contributions.
  • Travel more:
    • Disneyland. (I’ve never been! 😳)
    • See more of Europe (Yes, again!)
    • Explore more of my city, province, side of the continent.
  • Get published – a lofty (and petrifying) but exciting goal.

What are your goals? Best wishes to you and yours for 2016. ðŸ˜Š


Celebrate what you want to see more of. ~ Tom Peters 

Hello, 2016. I’m ready for you. 


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