• CityGirlBakes,  Food,  Recipes

    100 and The Scent of a Cookie

    WordPress informed me last week that I had posted my 99th post, and I went on the thought path of wondering what my 100th blog post should be about. It seemed daunting – ridiculous, I know. I had a few draft posts but they weren’t milestone worthy. After a couple days, I decided I was thinking about it too much and let the thought go. And then while I was baking cookies last night, that distinct aroma hit my…

  • CityGirlBakes,  Food,  Recipes,  Stuff + Things

    Driving Chronicles reboot and cherry pie

    So, Mother Nature decided that the Lower Mainland is now allowed to have summer weather. We are in the mid 20‘s and not a cloud in the sky. It was a gorgeous day. I was finally able to make use of my wonderful Banana Republic wide-brimmed straw hat that I got on sale last month, and it was hot enough for one of my many sundresses to be worn. I actually ended up switching dresses midway through…