5 Tips for Travelling as a Couple
Similar to travelling with friends, there are key things to keep in mind when travelling with your partner. Here are some tips for travelling as a couple.
Before I met the Brit, I had become accustomed to travelling mostly solo. But it’s way more enjoyable to travel with someone, so you can share those special moments. One of my favourite things about our relationship is that we travel well together, and we have many of those special moments — very grateful!
Although we’ve been together for over three years, our trip to England for Christmas was the first time we had been on a plane trip together. Prior to this, our travels had been via road trips and ferries. Thankfully, we didn’t have to adjust to any new quirks; but that would have been just fine. He has his, I have mine. It works.
Travelling as a couple has its quirks and stresses, but there’s a few things to keep in mind.
Similar to what I wrote in my post about travelling with my girlfriends, there are definitely some things to keep in mind and remember when travelling with your love. I ran this this list by the Brit, and his only cheeky addition was earplugs. (Rather unfortunately, we both snore, though he is much louder than I am, and I only quietly snore when sleeping on my back. We both sleep deeply enough that the earplugs aren’t actually necessary, but I digress.) Here are some tips for what makes our travels as a couple enjoyable, and help keep our relationship healthy.*
*Disclaimer: I’m absolutely not a relationship expert, nor is our relationship perfect. But this is what works for us! ❤️

1. Take ‘me’ time
Of all the things on this list, I think this is probably the most important — which is why I’ve listed it first. While you (likely) live together, travelling together is entirely different. You are with your partner all the time without what I believe is the very healthy space that your jobs and hobbies provide. I like that the Brit and I take a beat of time for ourselves (me: read, write, yoga, social media, meditate; him: BBC News, social media, play guitar, read, research), just like we would at home. And then we go explore some more!
2. It’s not just about what you want to do
Compromise and take turns. This seems like an obvious one, but it’s an adjustment if you’re used to travelling alone. As in home life, compromise is imperative when travelling together or planning anything. The Brit and I like to do many of the same things, but there are some things that he would like to do that I might not be as keen on — and vice versa. So we each make a list of things we’d like to do/visit and figure it out.
Also, it is very enjoyable to watch your partner enjoy ticking something off their bucket/travel list. My love is incredibly indulgent of me in this regard, so when he pipes up about something he would like to do, I am all for it. Example: The Brit’s education and background is in geology. So when we were in Wales, one of the ‘must-do’ items on his list was to take the underground tour at the Big Pit Museum. He was SO excited. He hit his hard hat a fair amount because he’s so tall and the tunnels are not, but he had the best time and got to chat about coal and rocks.
3. You’re a team
Stuff happens. Have each other’s backs. Who stays with the bags (him) and talks to people when we need to find out what’s happening? (me) I’ve become a better navigator to his driver, and he’s become attuned to when he needs to put on his Insta-partner hat. Spats happen, but we get through them. We get each other, make each other laugh, and while our relationship isn’t perfect (how boring would that be?!), travelling together is always a fun time; even when we get lost. (We aren’t travelling Amazing Race style or anything, but we do okay.)
When something comes up, communicate. If you snap, talk it out, apologize. Be adults and check your egos. (This is sometimes a hard one.) You are a team and will come out it an even stronger unit.

4. Sort out the finances before you go
Communicating about finances before you get on a plane or in the car is just smart — the amount you’re comfortable spending (and on what), and how you’re going to pay for things while away. The Brit and I split our joint travel expenses an even 50/50, and have a joint card that we use for (both our joint day-to-day and) travel expenses that we pay off every month. (This is SO IMPORTANT. Interest is killer.) We also each get some local currency, and sort out those receipts 50/50 when we get home.
5. Make time for date night
Travelling together does seem like one big date. Yes, you are off wherever having a wonderful time, but sometimes being on holiday becomes more about ticking things off a list and getting from place to place. Not super romantic, right?
We tend to get Airbnbs with a kitchen, hot tub, and/or fireplace so we can have a date night in — very nice after a day out and about! Especially with a bottle of local wine that you may have bought on a wine tour. But putting on a nice outfit and going for dinner or trying something new together are obviously also great ways to date your partner. Try new things. Enjoy each other, wherever you are. ❤️
[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Psst – VisitBrighton sent us on a day of dates before Christmas, and it was a great day of exploring the Brit’s hometown. Check it out here![/perfectpullquote]
This is what works for us. All couples are different, so I’d also love to hear what works for you and your partner!
“It doesn’t matter where you are going, it’s who you have beside you.” ~ Anonymous