Valentine’s Day & Packing
I’ve just finished packing my suitcase for our trip to Japan (more on that to come later), and now, I sit here with a nice glass of Pinot Noir and a glutenous pizza, watching Olympic highlights. (Hooray, Patrick Chan!) I’m on my own tonight as Miley Cyrus decided to start her tour in Vancouver. On Valentine’s Day. Which means I haven’t really seen Sean for the last few days as he’s been rigging the setup. We leave bright early for the airport tomorrow so lack of sleep will be the nice way to describe my husband tomorrow. (Tee-hee.)
It’s nice to celebrate things day of, but schedules get crazy. Knowing this would happen, we went to Salt Spring Island for a romantic weekend at a lovely house called Juniper Cottage at the beginning of February. I’ll write about it another day (I am behind in uploading photos) but you should check it out. AMAZING spot.
Whether you’re single, apart from your significant other for some reason, or lucky enough to have them around today for some romance, love isn’t just about one day in a year. It’s about love, every day, for yourself, and those dear to you. Sappy, I know. And with that, cheers and Happy Valentine’s Day!