• Travel,  Yoga

    Acropolis Sunrise

    You know you’ve had a good trip when you have really good memories. I was away for two months and collected many a memory, but a definite stand out day was the morning my flat mates and I trekked up to the Acropolis in Athens to see the sunrise. I am not a morning person, but I love anything about Ancient Greece. So if I was going to see one great thing during my 24 hours in Athens, it was…

  • Travel

    Cooling off in Athens

    What seems have been a pattern at the beginning of my travels was having to get up super early for my, admittedly, purposefully booked to be early, flights. To get to Athens, it was 4amā€¦ Stephen very kindly drove me (Lesley happily got to sleep longer) to the airport and I started on my journey to Athens. My connection was at CDG airport in Paris where – FYI for my girlfriends who are coming to Paris with me in…

  • Stuff + Things,  Travel,  Yoga

    To connect or not to connect?

    I have spent the last week in one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to: Kythira Island in Greece. The purpose of my trip was for a Kundalini yoga teacher training retreat through Semperviva Yoga, which is a set of studios back home in Vancouver. It has been an AMAZING week. I come off the island having made a pack of fantastic new friends, eaten a lot of really good Greek food, and more…