• Travel,  Wellness,  Yoga

    Travel Yoga: Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)

    Travel is hard on your body. Considering what you are doing (seeing amazing things) I know this sounds a little boo-hoo-ish, but the struggle is real. No one’s body feels good after sitting on a plane, train, or in an automobile for a long period of time. You know what I mean. Stiff neck from sleeping at a weird angle. Sore back and shoulders from sitting in the awkward seats. Tight legs and hips from the same.…

  • Canada,  Travel,  Wellness

    Vancouver Island Road Trip – Pause and Explore

    When on a road trip, it’s all well and good to enjoy the scenery from inside the car – especially when it’s raining! – but, (aside from when nature calls) I feel that breaks are important, a) to get you out of the car to stretch your legs (Your hip flexors will thank you!), b) to actually enjoy a meal, and c) to pause and explore your surroundings. While you’re working on a) and c), you’ll also…

  • Stuff + Things,  Wellness

    Mala mail

    I love getting mail. Not bills, obviously, but good mail. Occasion cards, postcards (my favourite!), or something I’ve ordered. The mail redirect from the recent move is working so that’s a bonus. I also like sending mail. As my friends and family know, I am an avid postcard sender. Mail, for me, is something simple, yet tangible and personal in a time where we mostly “LOL” electronically instead sharing that belly laugh in person. My favourite piece of…

  • Stuff + Things,  Wellness

    Happy 2015! Attraversiamo, patience and goals for the New Year

    Attraversiamo: verb – cross, go across, walk across, traverse, go through, pass through, pass; span Yes, I recently (re)watched and (re)read  “Eat, Pray, Love”. But, it’s great word, and very appropriate for going in to a New Year. It’s also fun to say. Attraversiamo. 🙂 Every New Year’s Eve, I go through my goals. What happened this past year? What would I like to achieve in the next 365 days? Did I have fun? (For the most part, yes!) My…

  • Guest Post,  Travel,  Wellness

    Guest Post: Kate’s Adventures in the Land Down Under

    Have you been to Australia? I have not – it’s on the list. Therefore, I have been living vicariously through my lovely friend Kate. She has been living and travelling throughout the land down under for the last six months and is now getting ready to come back home (yay!). While I am still sifting through my Japan and Taiwan photos and writing related posts, I asked Kate if she’d be so kind as to write a…

  • Wellness


    Wednesday started out as a bit of a crap day. I woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept, and if you’ve ever woken up feeling like that, you know it’s not great. At all. But as with 99% of crap days, it got better. But the highlight of day – the ultimate pinnacle? An email of the best kind that contained this: After a final payment this month for my yoga teacher training, I got my instructor…

  • Canada,  Travel,  Wellness

    Yukon Days – Part One

    A couple days ago, this city girl got on a plane to the Great ‘White’ North. I say ‘White’ because, well it’s summer, and right now, it’s mostly the Great ‘Green’ North. Still spectacularly beautiful though. It’s so… Open.  Or, as the Travel Yukon tagline says: Larger Than Life. My flight was me and a very large Swiss tour group that comprised of very active senior citizens. Despite this, the plane was not full and I had not…

  • Wellness

    Happy 2013! – Goals for the year

    It’s officially 2013. Does anyone else feel like it came really quickly?? For me, 2012 went by in a wonderful blur, culminating in a great holiday season with family and friends. Sean and I are staying with our friends Ward & Kim just outside of Edmonton and are just had post-NYE brunch. Much needed after last night’s dinner and dessert, games, Snow Olympics (for another post), and my apparently super strong cocktails. 🙂 2013 is the year…