• Scotch Whisky Experience
    #GetThrifty,  Drinks,  Travel

    City Girl Whisky Diary: Scotch Whisky Experience

    Whisky. The Scots call this lovely amber liquid  “The Water of Life”. With this, you know that they take their Scotch very seriously. (For example, it’s whisky, not whiskey with an ‘e’. This is a thing.) And there are endless kinds. So if you’re new to whisky, it can be a bit daunting to figure out where to start. My whisky palate has been cultivating for a few years now (I’m an Islay whisky girl), but if…

  • Drinks,  Food,  Travel

    Island Road Trip – 9 Things to Do in Victoria

    It’s been a busy few weeks, but I’ve finally had a chance to go through photos and do a road trip download from my notes. The Island is a perfect place for a road trip, and the Brit and I celebrated his birthday with four-and-a-half days of exploring. (As my calling him “The Brit” would suggest, he isn’t from here, so I love visiting places with him that I haven’t been to in a long time. It…

  • Drinks,  Recipes,  Stuff + Things

    Flashback Friday: Sinus Clearing Raspberry Martinis

    My laptop is finally out of the Mac hospital (hooray!) and while my Europe photos were loading this evening, I was clicking through my iPhoto library. While flipping through, I landed on pictures from an epic Halloween party from many moons ago at my friend Alison’s parent’s house where entry was only given if we were a) dressed up; and b) dressed as something that started with a “P”. (I was a dead pageant queen.) It was a really fun…

  • Drinks,  Food,  Travel

    Eating Solo in Mexico – Part 2 and Bucerias Market

    Today, I finally had more than two minutes to unpack both my Mexico and housesitting suitcases. (I left for Mexico in the middle of us housesitting.) I was sad to put away my hot weather clothes but it needed to be done. Tick mark on the to-do list. — Bucerias is a lovely little beach town a little ways north of Nuevo Vallarta. It costs under $10 CAD to get there from NV and maybe $12 CAD…

  • Drinks,  Food

    Tasting Italia in 2 hours

    The beautiful view from my desk! Last Wednesday (a beyond beautiful hot, sunny Vancouver day), our work team buzzed out of the office early for our quarterly team builder activity. This quarter? A corporate Italian food and wine tasting seminar at Giovane at the Fairmont Pacific Rim (where we had Sean’s 30th birthday). Best team building activity, ever (so far). Terra and I were the first to get there and we walked in to a beautifully set table and handed glasses…