10 Travel Stretches to Keep Your Body Happy
Travel can be hard on the body. Here are ten travel yoga stretches to help you feel happy and well while on the go. (Psst! These are also great stretches for people who work at a desk all day.) Travel can be hard on the body. You know what I mean. Stiff neck from falling sleeping with your head at a weird angle (even with a neck pillow!) Sore back and shoulders from sitting in the awkward…
Finding Some Zen and Stretching My Legs in Glencoe
Coming back from an epic road trip in Highlands, my girlfriends and I stopped to stretch in Glencoe on our way back to Glasgow. We had the valley to ourselves, which was fantastic. Read on to learn more about Glencoe (a gorgeous jewel of a pit stop in Scotland) and for a quick dancer pose yoga tutorial.
Travel Yoga: Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani)
Travel is hard on your body. Considering what you are doing (seeing amazing things) I know this sounds a little boo-hoo-ish, but the struggle is real. No one’s body feels good after sitting on a plane, train, or in an automobile for a long period of time. You know what I mean. Stiff neck from sleeping at a weird angle. Sore back and shoulders from sitting in the awkward seats. Tight legs and hips from the same.…