What I’ve Learned About Myself After a Year of Pandemic Living
Pandemic living... Like most, I'm pretty ******* sick of it. It's been just over a year of it, and... So many ups and downs. But, as with the majority of challenges, I've learned a lot from this past year. Particularly about myself. Some reminders, some new realizations. These are my takeaways.
6 Things I’m Thankful For
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! We’ve now been in Victoria for a year and 11 days, and I cannot believe how quickly a year has gone by. I start and end my days with three things I’m grateful for, but the year-mark had me taking some time to reflect on the year. And there’s quite a lot that I’m thankful for, but these are the big ones. 1. Being close enough to easily travel to see my family and…
2018 Review & Reflections
It’s well past the midway point of January, but I’m posting my 2018 reflections and gratitude anyway. Better late than never, and I finally have the headspace to translate the chicken scratches from my notebook. Looking back on 2018, I achieved some of my goals, had to put others on hold, and for the most part, managed to field any challenges with will and grace. (P.S. The reboot is amazing, you need to watch it.) Most importantly,…
#12DaysofHygge – Day 10: Friendship & Christmas
Friendship. Something I am very grateful for in my life. My friends have held me up in very precarious times and cheered me on in the really wonderful ones. I have amazing friends and I hope I am just as lovely of a friend to them. They are my are my tribe and I love them.