4 Ways to Unplug While on Holiday and My 2018 Reading List
The Brit and I finished out 2017 with a week of unplugging (or at least trying to) in Lund, BC. Lund is a little seaside village just north of Powell River, and depending on where you are, there is no cellular signal. It’s the perfect place for such an endeavour.
Where to stay, eat and explore in Powell River on the Sunshine Coast
With the goal of unplugging and getting our hygge on, the Brit and I went on a Sunshine Coast road trip this past Canadian Thanksgiving long weekend. While it was odd not having a turkey dinner, we had the best time exploring the area and being with each other. I was doing an Instagram takeover for Townsite Brewing, so unplugging was a bit of a challenge, but the other half of the goal was very successful! We had…
Townsite is where hygge is at – my guest post at TownsiteBrewing.com!
I recently had the opportunity to interview Townsite Breweing’s co-owner, Michelle Zutz, as well as write a guest blog post on the Townsite Brewing website. This was an exciting opportunity and I’m so happy to share it here: And now a word from our (non) sponsor…. last week Powell River played host to Yasmine Hardcastle, a woman on a search for the perfect hygge experience. Here you can read of her adventures chez nous: It’s officially autumn…