Acropolis Sunrise
You know you’ve had a good trip when you have really good memories. I was away for two months and collected many a memory, but a definite stand out day was the morning my flat mates and I trekked up to the Acropolis in Athens to see the sunrise. I am not a morning person, but I love anything about Ancient Greece. So if I was going to see one great thing during my 24 hours in Athens, it was…
Cooling off in Athens
What seems have been a pattern at the beginning of my travels was having to get up super early for my, admittedly, purposefully booked to be early, flights. To get to Athens, it was 4am… Stephen very kindly drove me (Lesley happily got to sleep longer) to the airport and I started on my journey to Athens. My connection was at CDG airport in Paris where – FYI for my girlfriends who are coming to Paris with me in…