#12DaysofHygge – Day 6: Stove Top Almond Milk Hot Chocolate + My Favourite Vancouver Hot Chocolate Spots!
Hot chocolate or hot cocoa. However you call it, it’s the perfect winter treat when you’re out and about, or when you’re having an evening in. It is a very hygge beverage in my humble opinion, so it’s only natural that it’s the next post in my 12 Days of Hygge. Including a recipe for for almond milk hot chocolate! How I came to love hot chocolate I used to be indifferent to this marvelous hot beverage.…
Pizza – OHAC style
When my naturopath put me on OHAC, one of my first thoughts was “Goodbye, Pizza Friday…”. I was sad. I LOVE pizza. But Denise Jardine (The Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free Kitchen) has, once again, come to my rescue. If I’m being completely honest, one of the reasons I bought Denise’s cookbook was the picture of the mushroom pizza on the cover. Doesn’t that look delicious?I thought “Well if I can eat pizza on OHAC, this might work out…
Saturday Morning Fire Alarm Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes
Back in March, I was up in Whistler for a work retreat and on one of the mornings, I went to my favourite Whistler breakfast places, La Brasserie des Artistes. It’s a small, funky place with great bacon and eggs (and great everything), but I had never tried their buttermilk pancakes. When I went in there I was actually craving French toast, which they reminded me they do not have. But the pancakes were highly recommended and…